The Xeriscape Philosophy

At the core, Xeriscape is about water and land. In a dry climate where water is scarce here on the Front Range, our homes and neighborhoods invariably change the way water moves across the land. Homes, buildings, lawns, and roads impact how rain events affect the environment. Xeriscape is a landscape design approach that aims to reduce or eliminate the need for irrigation. In an increasingly drier climate, this is a key action to sustain our life in the west. This can look different depending on the install. Not all landscaping companies and residents look at it the same way.

Our definition:

Xeriscape as a landscape design philosophy that seeks to optimize the usage of water for the beauty and function of a landscape in the context of the native ecology.

Examples of Xeriscape Design

Many landscapers go about Xeriscape like this. Mostly rocks and a few plants. A desert. While this is water efficient, this approach is not necessary and often less than ideal for the land depending on the context. There is little habitat provided for insects and animals in this scenario and it negatively impacts the soil life of that space when it is suffocated by landscape fabric in large areas.

Here you have a space abundant with habitat and beneficial plants for native wildlife and insects. There is a diversity of root structures feeding the soil. The water use in this landscape is a highly efficient set up of drip irrigation. A beautiful space to wander through and find inspiration. Check out our Xeriscape gallery to find more photos of our work or reach out to discuss a project you would like to explore.